Ifall någon är intresserad så gör jag det enkelt och lägger upp Mina Tyranids här:
15 gaunts med fleshborer
24 gaunts med talons
3 Zoanthropes
9 warriors(5 skjutande)
1 Hive Guard
2 Carnifex
2 Hive Tyrents
1 Flygande Tyrent
43 Genestealers
1 Lictor
3 Biovores
2 lictors
5 spore mines
1 zoanthrope
20+ Gaunts
+mer gubbar jag ej har koll på just nu som ligger lite överallt..
samt Codexen..
50% av GWs priser är vad jag tänkt mig omkring kan dela upp och bara sälja målade kanske enstaka squads också men då vill jag ha 70% av GWs pris för jag behåller heller än styckar upp om jag ska vara ärlig..
tisdag 23 juli 2013
söndag 21 juli 2013
Farsight Enclaves - The Rules!
Farsight Enclaves - A Codex: Tau Empire Supplement
So i thought i go thrue the rules for both easy to find for myself but primarly for other see see if it's worth to buy in the first place.
So one thing that is possible with This Supplement is that it can ally with itself or rather with the normal Tau and thus making it possible to take anything that you want to add from this army to put in your opponents face...
And of course it's now possible what many people wanted... an all suit army.. as all Crisis suits are troops instead of Elite choices and give you the rule that you actually must include one group of 3 suit models but can't use drones to cover those 3 you need to pick.
#An Farsight army can't include the HQs Aun'va or Commander Shadowsun(unless there as an ally).
#Farsight Enclave army gets Preferred Enemy Orks on Close Combat Attacks.
#All units that can pick "Bonding knife" must do so.
#Instead of choosing the normal Tau Bodyguard Farsight Enclave can chose 1-7 out of 8 special characters, all independent characters. This 8 man unit has 6 suits with different gear from the Tau signature system list and different normal gear to difference them but then we have 2 special one's... 1 IC Broadside with HYMPs and skyfire stocked with 2 missile drones and a missile.. not bad at all but the biggest(literly) IC would be the Riptide... i mean an IC Riptide... can't get much better in my eyes.. how can he break the game and shift the meta where he will be played only time will tell..
#Can't choose Signature Systems from the Original Tau Codex but can only choose from the Farsight Enclave Signature list(Also let's Riptides choose from the Signature list of Farsight Enclave):
*The Mirrorcodex
+1 to roll on the Seize Initiative.
Roll an D6 at the start of one's Turn to see what ells bonus you get until End of your Turn to Bearer and all Friendly units within 6".
1-3 Nothing.
4 Preferred Enemy Space Marines.
5 Preferred Enemy Space Marines and Imperial Guard.
6 Preferred Enemy Everyone!
*Seismic Fibrillator Node
(One use only)
Use at the beginning of any Turn.
Roll a D6 and on 2+ within an 36" radius all open Terrain is treated as Difficult Terrain and all Difficult Terrain is upgraded to Dangerous Terrain.
Roll a D6 at End of Turn and on a 5+ the effect continue for another turn and then keep on rolling like that until either the effect or the game ends.
*Fusion Blades
Changes an Twin linked Fusion Blaster into an Twin linked Fusion Blaster and a Fusion Blade with Strength 8 and AP 1 and rules Melee, Armorbane, Blind, Power Outage(each assault turn it's used roll a D6 and on a roll of 1 the whole weapon get's burned out and can't be used on neither melee or shooting.
*Warscaper Drone
Choose one drone owned by the char to also be an "Warscaper Drone"
Gives all models in the Drones unit these rules: Move thrue cower, Outflank, Acute Senses.
Also all Enemy units on your deployment side of the table within 12" of drone treats Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.
*Earth Caste Pilot Array
"Battlesuits only"
Reroll all rolls "to hit" of "1" in shooting phase.
Weapon Skill reduced to "1".
May reroll the dice when rolling for the Nova Reactor.
*Talisman of Arthas Moloch
5+ Invulnerable save.
Also gives bearer and all friendly units within 12" to roll 4D6 and pick the highest dice when rolling for Deny the Witch.
Warlord Traits:
1 Weapon Skill of 5 to Warlord(only battlesuits, reroll if Warlord isn't a suit)
2 Warlord get 1 out of 5 special rules: Counter attack, Furios charge, Monster hunter, Tank hunter, Stubborn.
3 -1 to reserv roll at start of one of the opponents turns(one use only)
4 Warlord get's Fearless rule and Tau units within 6" get's special rule of Stubborn.
5 Crisis suits in reserv get +1 to reserv roll.
6 (One use only) At start of your shooting phase declare if you want to use this ability: Warlord and unit gets special rule "Shred"(reroll failed to wound rolls in shooting and melee)
So will this be good or bad for the Tau.. time will tell.. but I for one look forward play an IC Riptide and all possibility's of this but at this time not sure how to best abuse him... Looking forward to read about it when someone break this with an unbeatable list..
Go Theorycrafting now and let me know if you get a good way to abuse the Farsight Enclave army..
Happy killing now..
So i thought i go thrue the rules for both easy to find for myself but primarly for other see see if it's worth to buy in the first place.
So one thing that is possible with This Supplement is that it can ally with itself or rather with the normal Tau and thus making it possible to take anything that you want to add from this army to put in your opponents face...
And of course it's now possible what many people wanted... an all suit army.. as all Crisis suits are troops instead of Elite choices and give you the rule that you actually must include one group of 3 suit models but can't use drones to cover those 3 you need to pick.
#An Farsight army can't include the HQs Aun'va or Commander Shadowsun(unless there as an ally).
#Farsight Enclave army gets Preferred Enemy Orks on Close Combat Attacks.
#All units that can pick "Bonding knife" must do so.
#Instead of choosing the normal Tau Bodyguard Farsight Enclave can chose 1-7 out of 8 special characters, all independent characters. This 8 man unit has 6 suits with different gear from the Tau signature system list and different normal gear to difference them but then we have 2 special one's... 1 IC Broadside with HYMPs and skyfire stocked with 2 missile drones and a missile.. not bad at all but the biggest(literly) IC would be the Riptide... i mean an IC Riptide... can't get much better in my eyes.. how can he break the game and shift the meta where he will be played only time will tell..
#Can't choose Signature Systems from the Original Tau Codex but can only choose from the Farsight Enclave Signature list(Also let's Riptides choose from the Signature list of Farsight Enclave):
*The Mirrorcodex
+1 to roll on the Seize Initiative.
Roll an D6 at the start of one's Turn to see what ells bonus you get until End of your Turn to Bearer and all Friendly units within 6".
1-3 Nothing.
4 Preferred Enemy Space Marines.
5 Preferred Enemy Space Marines and Imperial Guard.
6 Preferred Enemy Everyone!
*Seismic Fibrillator Node
(One use only)
Use at the beginning of any Turn.
Roll a D6 and on 2+ within an 36" radius all open Terrain is treated as Difficult Terrain and all Difficult Terrain is upgraded to Dangerous Terrain.
Roll a D6 at End of Turn and on a 5+ the effect continue for another turn and then keep on rolling like that until either the effect or the game ends.
*Fusion Blades
Changes an Twin linked Fusion Blaster into an Twin linked Fusion Blaster and a Fusion Blade with Strength 8 and AP 1 and rules Melee, Armorbane, Blind, Power Outage(each assault turn it's used roll a D6 and on a roll of 1 the whole weapon get's burned out and can't be used on neither melee or shooting.
*Warscaper Drone
Choose one drone owned by the char to also be an "Warscaper Drone"
Gives all models in the Drones unit these rules: Move thrue cower, Outflank, Acute Senses.
Also all Enemy units on your deployment side of the table within 12" of drone treats Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.
*Earth Caste Pilot Array
"Battlesuits only"
Reroll all rolls "to hit" of "1" in shooting phase.
Weapon Skill reduced to "1".
May reroll the dice when rolling for the Nova Reactor.
*Talisman of Arthas Moloch
5+ Invulnerable save.
Also gives bearer and all friendly units within 12" to roll 4D6 and pick the highest dice when rolling for Deny the Witch.
Warlord Traits:
1 Weapon Skill of 5 to Warlord(only battlesuits, reroll if Warlord isn't a suit)
2 Warlord get 1 out of 5 special rules: Counter attack, Furios charge, Monster hunter, Tank hunter, Stubborn.
3 -1 to reserv roll at start of one of the opponents turns(one use only)
4 Warlord get's Fearless rule and Tau units within 6" get's special rule of Stubborn.
5 Crisis suits in reserv get +1 to reserv roll.
6 (One use only) At start of your shooting phase declare if you want to use this ability: Warlord and unit gets special rule "Shred"(reroll failed to wound rolls in shooting and melee)
So will this be good or bad for the Tau.. time will tell.. but I for one look forward play an IC Riptide and all possibility's of this but at this time not sure how to best abuse him... Looking forward to read about it when someone break this with an unbeatable list..
Go Theorycrafting now and let me know if you get a good way to abuse the Farsight Enclave army..
Happy killing now..
måndag 15 juli 2013
Bilolycka.. inte alltid det blir rätt i tidningen..
Kom idag fram till en Olycka med en lätt lastbil/skåpbil som kört in i räcket och använt det som en ramp för att hoppa upp och lägga sig på sidan i mötande körfält..
Då jag kom fram som nummer 2 började huvudet genast spinna på vad man lärt sig under utbildningen på Edströmska där man gick Vuxenutbildningen till Yrkesförare.
Gick direkt fram och såg att lastbilsföraren före mig hade klättrat upp på sidan av skåpbilen och börjat hjälpa föraren ur.
Bara av min reaktion så börja jag tänka L-ABC, livsfarligt läge - ingen bränsle ran ifrån bilen och föraren kunde med lite hjälp klättra ur bilen dvs inga andnings problem och kanske skadat men lite adrenalin håller honom igång tills ambulans är på plats.
Så nästa steg var 112. När samtalat var klart var det bara ställa sig vid sidan och vänta.
Medans jag vänta så var mitt nästa steg att ringa mitt åkeri för att stoppa alla Lastbilar ifrån åkeriet som eventuellt skulle vara på ingående så dom inte också fastar i någon kö.
Bärgaren var först på plats av en slump sedan kom Polis, Brandbil och Ambulansen sedan efter en liten stund kom den bärgare som fick ta med sig bilen senare därifrån.
Föraren var ganska omtöknad efter en ganska kraftig krockkudde i ansiktet och blödde lätt i ansiktet.
Enligt föraren så skulle han bara svara telefonen som ringde.. sedan att vägen är felbyggd som uppgjord för fler olyckor där en sekund ur fokus på vägen lätt kan lägga dig på sidan med ansiktet intryckt av en krockkudde.
Så var den olyckan fixad men var dag ser man räcket som folk råkar ta i och detta var bara en tidsfråga att det skulle hända.. Men det finns väl inget intresse att fixa något man borde sett ifrån början men det var väl någon nybörjare som tyckte det var kul med att bygga en olyckplats med ramp istället för en fungerande väg..
Som lastbilsförare så var detta min andra olycka jag kom fram som nummer 1-2 till olycksplatsen och det bara på 8 månader så det lär ju hända fler gånger och det är bara skönt att veta att man reagerar korrekt och inte bara tänker på att man måste fram såsom lastbilen efter mig försökte sig på en omkörning av dom 2 lastbilar som stod på plats trots väldigt lite utrymme samt idioten som faktiskt pressade sig förbi med bil och släp. Någon måtta får det vara med stressen att saker ska fram, ska ju inte behöva orsaka en olycka till.
Kör försiktigt nu och ses på vägen..
Ibland kan det gå fel.. |
Gick direkt fram och såg att lastbilsföraren före mig hade klättrat upp på sidan av skåpbilen och börjat hjälpa föraren ur.
Bara av min reaktion så börja jag tänka L-ABC, livsfarligt läge - ingen bränsle ran ifrån bilen och föraren kunde med lite hjälp klättra ur bilen dvs inga andnings problem och kanske skadat men lite adrenalin håller honom igång tills ambulans är på plats.
Så nästa steg var 112. När samtalat var klart var det bara ställa sig vid sidan och vänta.
Medans jag vänta så var mitt nästa steg att ringa mitt åkeri för att stoppa alla Lastbilar ifrån åkeriet som eventuellt skulle vara på ingående så dom inte också fastar i någon kö.
Bärgaren var först på plats av en slump sedan kom Polis, Brandbil och Ambulansen sedan efter en liten stund kom den bärgare som fick ta med sig bilen senare därifrån.
Föraren var ganska omtöknad efter en ganska kraftig krockkudde i ansiktet och blödde lätt i ansiktet.
Enligt föraren så skulle han bara svara telefonen som ringde.. sedan att vägen är felbyggd som uppgjord för fler olyckor där en sekund ur fokus på vägen lätt kan lägga dig på sidan med ansiktet intryckt av en krockkudde.
Så var den olyckan fixad men var dag ser man räcket som folk råkar ta i och detta var bara en tidsfråga att det skulle hända.. Men det finns väl inget intresse att fixa något man borde sett ifrån början men det var väl någon nybörjare som tyckte det var kul med att bygga en olyckplats med ramp istället för en fungerande väg..
Som lastbilsförare så var detta min andra olycka jag kom fram som nummer 1-2 till olycksplatsen och det bara på 8 månader så det lär ju hända fler gånger och det är bara skönt att veta att man reagerar korrekt och inte bara tänker på att man måste fram såsom lastbilen efter mig försökte sig på en omkörning av dom 2 lastbilar som stod på plats trots väldigt lite utrymme samt idioten som faktiskt pressade sig förbi med bil och släp. Någon måtta får det vara med stressen att saker ska fram, ska ju inte behöva orsaka en olycka till.
Kör försiktigt nu och ses på vägen..
Grattis min son!! Theo 8 år, det här har du missat...
Till dig Theo, om du får lite hjälp så kanske du kan titta på vad du missat sedan vi sist sågs...
Tänker på dig varje dag och längtar tills vi ses nästa gång..
Senaste gångerna vi sågs var det mycket bus ifrån dig...
Saker som hänt sen vi sågs är att du fått en till lillebror!!
Utöver detta så busar Anton på precis som du gör var gång vi ses..
Sen har vi Adam som hittar på många tokiga saker..
Sedan leker dina bröder för fullt med din kompis Liam, även hemma hos din Farfar..
Sen har vi döpt "Filip Arvid Merlin" i kyrkan och passade på att förnya Julia(Yolanda) och mina löften ifrån när vi gifta oss så vi kunde vara lite extra fina.. synd att du inte kunde vara med, fanns mycket god tårta efteråt.. :)
Sen vad händer mer... jo vi har några hummlor som byggt ett bo i vårat förråd, inte varje dag man ser något sådant..
Utöver det så hjälpte jag nyliggen en kompis att gräva upp en massa sten, det var himla kul att åka grävmaskinen.. Dina syskon fick åka lite dom också..
Sen kom jag fram till en bil som krockat idag.. inte så kul men det händer att man kommer fram till bilolyckor nu när man kör lastbil när man kan..
Snart ska du veta att din Farbror ska få ett barn också.. Det hade ingen av oss trott men till allas förvåning så har min bror vuxit upp.. lite alla fall.. Så nästa gång du kommer hit så har du fått en till kusin också.. det är inte så dåligt.. Samt att Farbror Johan har skaffat sig en tjej som heter Viktoria och gift sig med henne.. det är inte dåligt av honom att äntligen fånga storfisken och kroka på en ring på henne.. Du kanske hinner träffa dom 2 snart 3 nästa gång också..
Så 8 år och 1 dag gammal.. tiden går fort och jag har tyvärr inte varit vid dig under den senare delen av din uppväxt men om du någon gång skulle vilja.. så är du alltid välkommen hem till din Pappa, Bror Anton, Bror Adam, Bror Filip och Julia.. Finns alltid plats i sängen för dig också..
Hoppas vi kan ses snart, om du ändå inte bodde så långt bort så skulle vi kunna setts varje dag..
Men när du blir äldre så hoppas jag du kan komma hit oftare..
Ta hand om dig nu och även om du kanske glömmer mig ibland och inte vill prata i telefonen med mig så ÄLSKAR JAG DIG!!!
Puss och kram från din PAPPA :D
Tänker på dig varje dag och längtar tills vi ses nästa gång..
Senaste gångerna vi sågs var det mycket bus ifrån dig...
Saknar att ha dig i knät mysandes framför tv:n. |
Framför lite TV. |
Vet inte vad du lär dig för bus men önskar jag visste.. |
Någon minut gammal.. |
Växer fort och busig som få.. |
6 Veckor och 5 dagar gammal.. vad tror du om det Theo? :) |
Massor av gos finns det.. |
Springa och hoppa i polen det kan dom.. |
När man busar mycket så är det viktigt med sömn.. |
Är man trött så är man.. |
Precis som du Theo.. SPINDELMANNEN!! |
Mysigt på midsommar, hoppas du kan följa med någon annan gång.. |
Cyckla runt lite hos Farfar och se om det finns lite bus man kan göra.. |
Viktigt att handmata Farfars fiskar.. |
Förutom dig Theo och dina bröder så Älskar jag din Extra Mamma :) |
Dom har byggt boet i fårskinns pälsen.. mysigt tyckte dom.. |
Köra grävare i en stor "Sandlåda" det är kul.. |
Vad kan man lära sig här.. kanske.. låt inte en ringande telefon störa dig.. |
Jag råkade tappa lite målar färg en dag på jobbet... |
Anton och Adam fick vara med på bild dom också.. |
Hoppas vi kan ses snart, om du ändå inte bodde så långt bort så skulle vi kunna setts varje dag..
Men när du blir äldre så hoppas jag du kan komma hit oftare..
Ta hand om dig nu och även om du kanske glömmer mig ibland och inte vill prata i telefonen med mig så ÄLSKAR JAG DIG!!!
Puss och kram från din PAPPA :D
fredag 12 juli 2013
Eldar vs Space Marine BatRep 1500 pts
So once again the Eldar enters the battle field but this time something new has joined them which is there Battle brothers the mighty Tau, guess it's time to stick it to the Emperor for good and cleanse this dense structured planet from the all mighty Space Marines..
The Battle Field i had to conquer. |
Eldar(Main Force)
1 Farseer, Jetbike, the Spirit Stone of Anath'lan.
1 The Avatar of Khaine, Crushing Blow, Fast Shot.
1 Warlock Council(joining Vaul's Wrath Support Battery).
5 Rangers.
5 Dire Avengers transported by:
1 Wave Serpent, Twin linked Scatter Laser, Shurikan Cannon, Holofield.
1 Wraithknight(Warlord).**Proxied by an flying base**
3 Vaul's Wrath Support Battery.
2 War Walkers, 2 Bright lances each.
1 Commander, Puretide Engram Neurochip, Multi Spector Sensor Suite, Command and Control Node.
6 Fire Warriors
1 Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Twin linked Fusion Blaster, Early Warning Override.
Total of 1499 pts
Space Marine(don't have complete list but from my memory this is what he played):
1 Chaplain, Jump pack, Digital weapons.(Warlord)
10 Tactical Squad, multi-melta.
10 Tactical Squad, multi-melta inside:
1 Rhino, hunter killer missile
6 Scouts, Missile launcher.
10 Assault Squad, thunder hammer, storm shield.
2 Attack bikes, multi-melta on both.
2 Land Speeders, 2 heavy bolters each.
1 Ironclad Dreadnought, Heavy flamer inside:
1 Droppod, Locator Beacon.
6 Devestator Squad, 2 Heavy bolters, 2 Plasma Cannons.
We decided to play it at 1500 pts with no rule limit other then what GW has written.
D3 heavy structures on each quarter of table mixing with 1 heavy, 1 medium + 1 Light or 3 light pieces per pieces rolled.
We ended up with a total roll of 8 pieces in total and before deployment we both got to place a medium sized piece when deployment zone was decided.
Deployment that was rolled for ended up as "Hammer and Anvil".
Once that was done Warlord traits rolled and Smurfs went with "Strategic" trait tree and rolled "2" and got to decide if we were going to have Night Fighting on first turn or not. Good roll for him and i got crappy +1 to deny the witch rolls from the Iyanden supplement trait for my Wraithknight Warlord.
Time to roll for Psychic powers and i roll on Runes of Fate and get "5" that i keep as Fortune is not to bad and then another role on same and get "1" and nothing i need so switch it to Primaris for the 24" twinlink weapons. last roll is done on Divination and get a "4" for Farseers unit to "Ignore Cover" which i switch for Primaris to get a second twinlink weapons but only 12" not that bad and got placed on my barrage team the whole game.
Time for Warlock to roll and get's a "1" which is a witchfire and a life giver to multi-wound models which i have plenty so instead of switching to Primaris which was the plan i keep on this one. After the game was over i never used this successfully as first i got 12 that i managed to save and then i failed on 9 and then no more wounds to heal for rest of game to hard things to hurt i guess as only Wraithknight took wounds but went to far away to heal as i failed first 2 tries on him.
Deploying Forces and we End up with him spreading and me sacrificing my Wave Serpent with no backup as he was boxed in with LoS blocking Terrain for something to come and kill it without to much trouble.
First round also scored a War Walker, 1 wound on Wraithknight, 1 ranger and 1 Dire Avenger.
First turn from Space Marines. |
Time for Eldar and Tau to join forces and avenge there fallen Battle Brothers..
Psychic powers all goes off from Farseer but Warlock fail with a 12 that gets saved from the 4+ invulnerable save.
Time to dedicate parts of Army to handle the Dreadnought threat and some part to advance and take the fight to the Emperors children and my decision falls to let Riptide clean up fast threats with ignore cover and put Wraithknight right up in the middle to let the smurfs shoot at my biggest thing on the table while the rest of the army walks behind in he's shadow(a figure of speech at this time) and I'll leave it to the almighty GOD of Eldar... The AVATAR to handle the threat in the corner.
End of turn 1 I've killed off 1 scout, 1 plasma cannon Devestator, 1 Attack bike, 1 Land Speeder and weapon destroyed(Missile) and vehicle stunned on rhino.
Wraithknight moving up in the middle. |
Marines open up and score some kills in 3 Fire Warriors, 1 Ranger, 1 Dire Avenger and another wound placed on Wraithknight.
Ironclad Dreanought thinks he can handle a GOD.. |
Avatar still standing while Dreadnought got 1 less HP to brag about. |
Assault Marines go and blast the last Dire Avengers from this planet while the Chaplain separates from them and goes after the Rest of my troops. Then in Assault phase the Avatar smashes the dreadnought to pieces and consolidate towards the Chaplain and the smurfs realize there mistake the Chaplain is going to be eaten alive by a god.. oh my.. while 3 Tactical marines stand firm against the mighty Wraithknight no wounds in that battle which was not good for me.
Avatar move towards the Smurf Warlord.. hungry for more carnage.. |
4 scouts, 5 Devestators and 7 Tactical Marines left to kill. |
My time to cut the rest of those pesky smurfs down so Avatar tells Chaplain to jump into he's mouth as he's tired of playing with him and then consolidates to take out the droppod. Wraithknight moves in to take care off Scouts killing only 2 of those 4 left and they try to kill him with those frag grenades but fail to take a single wound on him. Riptide kills 3 Devestators on middle floor while the Artillery takes care of the Sergeant making the last one fail leadership test by 1 point.
Avatar still not satisfied from the Chaplain meal. he want's more.. |
Farseer fails 2/3 Psychic but doesn't take any wounds.
Riptide fails to one shot the smurfs that decide they want to dance instead of fight before they die so standing grouped up is "the new black" apparently so that task went to the Artillery which makes short order of the Flower power smurfs deciding make love not war is something they think is better at the moment.
Wraithknight smashes the scouts to pieces and Avatar melts the droppod easily.
And that is a wrap. Marines all killed and smashed into pieces and they even had time to celebrate and honor the Emperor before meeting there maker.
At the End the Marines ceased to exist. like they never was. |
So another glorious win still by just trying out new configurations on how to play Eldar.
So battle breakdown killpoints:
War Walker killing 95 pts(-45pts)
Wraithknight killing 290 pts(+50pts)
Riptide killing 383 pts(+58/+193pts) including the commander as he was only used to boost the riptide this fight.
Vaul's Wrath Support Battery 364 pts(+239)
Avatar 315 pts(+100pts)
Wave Serpent 0 pts(-135pts)
Unit by unit breakdown on how they did and how many and/or how much of them survived the battle:
1/1 Farseer
Did what i expected from him rolling those psychics like a king boosting me to an solid victory.
1/1 The Avatar of Khaine
I'm a bit torn on this one as he did a very nice job which i was'nt expecting him to do, he really smashed that one Dreadnought and Chaplain without taking a single wound.. Expensive unit but so is the Wraithknight.. Maybe it's truly worth considering this fellow for a solid home court guard...
1/1 Warlock Council
failed all psychics i tried with him and then just stood there for rest of battle.. not sure on this one might be good to put points elsewhere depending on how high of threat he will be boosting for 35 pts.
3/5 Rangers
Shoot some, Survived and secured objective.. what more can you expect from 60 pts..
0/5 Dire Avengers
There transport got smashed and then they were overrun, couldn't do much about staying alive but drew some fire onto them that could have been put elsewhere.. good job.. RIP..
0/1 Wave Serpent
My opponent was afraid of this one and by all rights which is why he went for it when i left it alone in the open and it never got to do anything useful.. still there was an reason the Dreadnought went all out on this one..
1/1 Wraithknight
Was feeling hungry for Marines this time not much more to eat so he made up he's points this time and was a good magnet but lacked good targets to handle so wiped some troops. End of game had 2/6 wounds left which means he stopped plenty more from descending onto the others.
3+6(guardians)/3+6 Vaul's Wrath Support Battery
No where near a threat list which made it easy for these guys to smash the marines and triple there own points and that is something to really consider how to abuse for next game.
1/2 War Walkers
Got hit hard in the start but managed to stick threw and took some potshots after.. not sure on these glascannons to easy to kill and with so few vehicles they are high risk/ high reward possible unit but if you get to close they can easily be taken away. twin link from Farseer and these can really bring the pain..
1/1 Commander
Perfect boost guy to just put him where u need him and he'll make sure you hit and hurt them bad.
But don't forget to tell opponent that your using the Puretide Engram Neurochip and what part of the boost you want, I just forgot it and hit myself in the shooting phase each time i remembered i should have used it.
1/6 Fire Warriors
Shoot some, a few inches away from securing objective but most important stayed alive... not to shabby..
1/1 Riptide
Omg he killed everything tonight except that last shoot on the praying marines he hit with everything tonight.. MVP.. would have been better if i remembered to use Puretide chip and place units better within LoS so i could have used that intercept on him.. but oh man did he kill lots when he started shooting.. i sure will be using this one more...
So another good fight with tons of information to go threw to establish an new list based upon the last 2 fights and what i have learned from them.. hope to get an all out fight to settle it once and for all who's the King of the hill.. GAME ON!!
Happy Hunting hope to bring more action soon to anyone enjoying these Batreps and feel free to comment..
måndag 1 juli 2013
Building an Eldar 1850 point list..
Time to Build me an new Eldar list based on my experience from previus game and sticking to Iyanden supplement for better Warlord traits and some other candy..
So what are my options.. At the moment it stands between Mech/MC or Psychic army.
Looking at those options what are the restrictions to building these list without going to far away from an balanced komp 0 list according to what is being played in sweden?
Mech/MC list is restricted to 8 points before getting +1komp and at 12 points you get a second point and that hampers how you do in tournaments little to much.Wave Serpents being awsome giving 1.5 points each and Wraithknight 3 points.
Psychic list is restricted by 7 points after that getting +1komp and after 11 points another komp point. Each psychic level equals 1 point exept psyker level 3 count as 4 points also first 2 Warlocks do not give any points.
What can i put together that my opponent will struggle against, this is next question and the answers i have found would be these 2 list all based from an Iyanden supplement army.
Mech/MC list
1 Farseer with Jetbike and Singing Spear
1 Spiritseer
1 Warlock Council with Jetbike
5 Wraithguard inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Wraithguard inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Windrider Jetbike Squad
1 Night Spinner
2 War Walkers with 2x Bright Lances
1 Wraightknight with Sun Cannon and Scattershield and Scatter Laser(Warlord)
Total 1850 points with Komp 1 on Mech/MC.
In every list i'm building atm you want 3-4 Wave Serpents they are so dominating so you should'nt leave home without a couple. Other then that fact it's nice with Farseer to guide what part of u'r army you need to boost to handle your opponent if it's the anti Tank, anti Infantry or anti armored Infantry he has it all and then you put him on a bike and he's everywhere you need him to be. War Walkers is this list answer to handle Heavy armor at range and with all Serpents running around they should'nt get to much hard time as if they go down the opponent should have to handle the Wraithguards or Wraithknight he let slip thrue, not an easy choice to make for any opponent or myself for that matter. Best way to handle opposing Wave Serpents is to have more of them then your opponent so bring the heat this army is ready to strip anyone from what they have. To end it all the Wraightknight as Warlord is just plain mean towards opponent so easy to make sure he will not get slay the Warlord.
But there is also another way to go depending on how you prefer to win..
Psychic list
1 Farseer with Guardian Helm of Xellethon(Warlord)
1 Spiritseer with The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan
1 Spiritseer
1 Spiritseer
2 Warlock Council
5 Wraithguard inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Wraithguard with D-Scythe inside Wave Serpent with Holofield and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Rangers
2 War Walkers with 2x Bright Lances
3 Vaul´s Wrath Support Battery
3 Vaul´s Wrath Support Battery
Total 1850 with Komp 1 on Psychics.
This list does same as above abuse Wave Serpents so not much to say about these exept that D-scythe Serpent is going to gun it for opponent and get massive shots and probebly break and the rest of the army will just sneak up from behind and tap on there shoulders and ask "what are you looking at.. oh that Serpents a mess time for revenge!!" or something as it will give me inuff time to move everything closer and the Wraithguards should be able to handle the heat and bring the impending panic to my opponent that he's getting way to much to handle as my spiritseers will be rolling Telepathy for some nasty PuppetMasters if possible and then i'll just place them where i need them in my army according to what they get and with the spirit stone on one he will join the d-scythe team to give them chance to run and shoot above casting an extra power. Farseer in this list can either boost accuracy or if not to much armor of 13-14 he can join the others in Telepathy to wreack havoc in enemy lines though little less resistent then a Wraithknight as Warlord having that Guardian helm will help to keep him alive if not just put him in an Support Battery to get Toughness 7 is also one way to be keept alive, On top of Warlocks helping those Batteries staying alive with shroud. Those Support Batteries getting str7 on Vehicles and some slower units as the monofilament rule, with a range of 48" it's hard to hide from these blasts.
So there we have it, two different list that face the opponent in a different matter but still having a strong core in those Serpents that easy take down anything with armor 12 or below both ground and air targets and struggle abit with armor 13 but if needed join forces it won't stay alive for long. Outside the Serpents it's just a matter of getting an army to fit u'r own playstyle.
For next battle i will probebly go with the Psychic list as it got my interest the most but not sure it's the strongest of those two, probebly not as i'm hoping for some good powers to help me but when it does it's going to be a blast playing and that's what i want from an game.. to see before the battle begins that this is not a matter of how many rounds it's a matter of how fast can you wipe your opponent so far has'nt happen but someday i'll get there and it will be awsome to see it all come together.
Keep up the good fight and would'nt mind any comments good or bad it's all in the "Eye of the beholder"
So what are my options.. At the moment it stands between Mech/MC or Psychic army.
Looking at those options what are the restrictions to building these list without going to far away from an balanced komp 0 list according to what is being played in sweden?
Mech/MC list is restricted to 8 points before getting +1komp and at 12 points you get a second point and that hampers how you do in tournaments little to much.Wave Serpents being awsome giving 1.5 points each and Wraithknight 3 points.
Psychic list is restricted by 7 points after that getting +1komp and after 11 points another komp point. Each psychic level equals 1 point exept psyker level 3 count as 4 points also first 2 Warlocks do not give any points.
What can i put together that my opponent will struggle against, this is next question and the answers i have found would be these 2 list all based from an Iyanden supplement army.
Mech/MC list
1 Farseer with Jetbike and Singing Spear
1 Spiritseer
1 Warlock Council with Jetbike
5 Wraithguard inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Wraithguard inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Windrider Jetbike Squad
1 Night Spinner
2 War Walkers with 2x Bright Lances
1 Wraightknight with Sun Cannon and Scattershield and Scatter Laser(Warlord)
Total 1850 points with Komp 1 on Mech/MC.
In every list i'm building atm you want 3-4 Wave Serpents they are so dominating so you should'nt leave home without a couple. Other then that fact it's nice with Farseer to guide what part of u'r army you need to boost to handle your opponent if it's the anti Tank, anti Infantry or anti armored Infantry he has it all and then you put him on a bike and he's everywhere you need him to be. War Walkers is this list answer to handle Heavy armor at range and with all Serpents running around they should'nt get to much hard time as if they go down the opponent should have to handle the Wraithguards or Wraithknight he let slip thrue, not an easy choice to make for any opponent or myself for that matter. Best way to handle opposing Wave Serpents is to have more of them then your opponent so bring the heat this army is ready to strip anyone from what they have. To end it all the Wraightknight as Warlord is just plain mean towards opponent so easy to make sure he will not get slay the Warlord.
But there is also another way to go depending on how you prefer to win..
Psychic list
1 Farseer with Guardian Helm of Xellethon(Warlord)
1 Spiritseer with The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan
1 Spiritseer
1 Spiritseer
2 Warlock Council
5 Wraithguard inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Wraithguard with D-Scythe inside Wave Serpent with Holofield and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers inside Wave Serpent with Shuriken Cannon and Twin Linked Scatter Laser
5 Rangers
2 War Walkers with 2x Bright Lances
3 Vaul´s Wrath Support Battery
3 Vaul´s Wrath Support Battery
Total 1850 with Komp 1 on Psychics.
This list does same as above abuse Wave Serpents so not much to say about these exept that D-scythe Serpent is going to gun it for opponent and get massive shots and probebly break and the rest of the army will just sneak up from behind and tap on there shoulders and ask "what are you looking at.. oh that Serpents a mess time for revenge!!" or something as it will give me inuff time to move everything closer and the Wraithguards should be able to handle the heat and bring the impending panic to my opponent that he's getting way to much to handle as my spiritseers will be rolling Telepathy for some nasty PuppetMasters if possible and then i'll just place them where i need them in my army according to what they get and with the spirit stone on one he will join the d-scythe team to give them chance to run and shoot above casting an extra power. Farseer in this list can either boost accuracy or if not to much armor of 13-14 he can join the others in Telepathy to wreack havoc in enemy lines though little less resistent then a Wraithknight as Warlord having that Guardian helm will help to keep him alive if not just put him in an Support Battery to get Toughness 7 is also one way to be keept alive, On top of Warlocks helping those Batteries staying alive with shroud. Those Support Batteries getting str7 on Vehicles and some slower units as the monofilament rule, with a range of 48" it's hard to hide from these blasts.
So there we have it, two different list that face the opponent in a different matter but still having a strong core in those Serpents that easy take down anything with armor 12 or below both ground and air targets and struggle abit with armor 13 but if needed join forces it won't stay alive for long. Outside the Serpents it's just a matter of getting an army to fit u'r own playstyle.
For next battle i will probebly go with the Psychic list as it got my interest the most but not sure it's the strongest of those two, probebly not as i'm hoping for some good powers to help me but when it does it's going to be a blast playing and that's what i want from an game.. to see before the battle begins that this is not a matter of how many rounds it's a matter of how fast can you wipe your opponent so far has'nt happen but someday i'll get there and it will be awsome to see it all come together.
Keep up the good fight and would'nt mind any comments good or bad it's all in the "Eye of the beholder"
Iyanden Army has it perks and so far getting spiritseers with an bad primarys as it costs 2 warp charges does'nt take away its benefits.. rock hard.. |
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