söndag 21 juli 2013

Farsight Enclaves - The Rules!

Farsight Enclaves - A Codex: Tau Empire Supplement

So i thought i go thrue the rules for both easy to find for myself but primarly for other see see if it's worth to buy in the first place.

So one thing that is possible with This Supplement is that it can ally with itself or rather with the normal Tau and thus making it possible to take anything that you want to add from this army to put in your opponents face...

And of course it's now possible what many people wanted... an all suit army.. as all Crisis suits are troops instead of Elite choices and give you the rule that you actually must include one group of 3 suit models but can't use drones to cover those 3 you need to pick.

#An Farsight army can't include the HQs Aun'va or Commander Shadowsun(unless there as an ally).

#Farsight Enclave army gets Preferred Enemy Orks on Close Combat Attacks.

#All units that can pick "Bonding knife" must do so.

#Instead of choosing the normal Tau Bodyguard Farsight Enclave can chose 1-7 out of 8 special characters, all independent characters. This 8 man unit has 6 suits with different gear from the Tau signature system list and different normal gear to difference them but then we have 2 special one's... 1 IC Broadside with HYMPs and skyfire stocked with 2 missile drones and a missile.. not bad at all but the biggest(literly) IC would be the Riptide... i mean an IC Riptide... can't get much better in my eyes.. how can he break the game and shift the meta where he will be played only time will tell..

#Can't choose Signature Systems from the Original Tau Codex but can only choose from the Farsight Enclave Signature list(Also let's Riptides choose from the Signature list of Farsight Enclave):

*The Mirrorcodex
+1 to roll on the Seize Initiative.
Roll an D6 at the start of one's Turn to see what ells bonus you get until End of your Turn to Bearer and all Friendly units within 6".
1-3 Nothing.
4 Preferred Enemy Space Marines.
5 Preferred Enemy Space Marines and Imperial Guard.
6 Preferred Enemy Everyone!

*Seismic Fibrillator Node
(One use only)
Use at the beginning of any Turn.
Roll a D6 and on 2+ within an 36" radius all open Terrain is treated as Difficult Terrain and all Difficult Terrain is upgraded to Dangerous Terrain.
Roll a D6 at End of Turn and on a 5+ the effect continue for another turn and then keep on rolling like that until either the effect or the game ends.

*Fusion Blades
Changes an Twin linked Fusion Blaster into an Twin linked Fusion Blaster and a Fusion Blade with Strength 8 and AP 1 and rules Melee, Armorbane, Blind, Power Outage(each assault turn it's used roll a D6 and on a roll of 1 the whole weapon get's burned out and can't be used on neither melee or shooting.

*Warscaper Drone
Choose one drone owned by the char to also be an "Warscaper Drone"
Gives all models in the Drones unit these rules: Move thrue cower, Outflank, Acute Senses.
Also all Enemy units on your deployment side of the table within 12" of drone treats Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.

*Earth Caste Pilot Array
"Battlesuits only"
Reroll all rolls "to hit" of "1" in shooting phase.
Weapon Skill reduced to "1".
May reroll the dice when rolling for the Nova Reactor.

*Talisman of Arthas Moloch
5+ Invulnerable save.
Also gives bearer and all friendly units within 12" to roll 4D6 and pick the highest dice when rolling for Deny the Witch.

Warlord Traits:
1 Weapon Skill of 5 to Warlord(only battlesuits, reroll if Warlord isn't a suit)
2 Warlord get 1 out of 5 special rules: Counter attack, Furios charge, Monster hunter, Tank hunter, Stubborn.
3 -1 to reserv roll at start of one of the opponents turns(one use only)
4 Warlord get's Fearless rule and Tau units within 6" get's special rule of Stubborn.
5 Crisis suits in reserv get +1 to reserv roll.
6 (One use only) At start of your shooting phase declare if you want to use this ability: Warlord and unit gets special rule "Shred"(reroll failed to wound rolls in shooting and melee)

So will this be good or bad for the Tau.. time will tell.. but I for one look forward play an IC Riptide and all possibility's of this but at this time not sure how to best abuse him... Looking forward to read about it when someone break this with an unbeatable list..

Go Theorycrafting now and let me know if you get a good way to abuse the Farsight Enclave army..

Happy killing now..


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